Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7th Assignment

I chose to go to the website,, which is the Judy Scharf Podcast Collection. This website had many different sections on ways and tips to create a podcast. I watched the tutorial on how to use Audacity, just so that I could be better informed from what I am now about the program. It shows you the step by step process on how to use Audacity and other parts of it that I was unaware that we might need. The tutorial mentioned that I should download the MP3 encoder so that I can save my podcasts as Mp3s to my computer so I did download it. It also shows you how to use the Mp3 encoder so it doesn't just leave you without information about the other program it wants you to download.

I also looked at the document that is called 'Benefits of Podcasting in Education'. It is a document that gives you facts and pointers on why podcasting in education is very useful in today's world. One fact that I enjoyed is the one that says, 'Students can make up missed work'. Now what college student does not like the sound of that? Some other pointers about podcasting in education that this document mentioned are: it is portable learning, parents can download their students' work, and it is available 24/7. Some other parts of this website includes a sections for time scheduling for your podcasts and even some suggestions for podcast subject matter! I find that this website is VERY useful and will recommend this website to my group when we get together this Wednesday night.


  1. Rachel,
    I also watched the wonderful tutorials Judy Scharf had posted to her site. The YouTube 'How to use Audacity and save podcasts as Mp3s' was especially helpful to me, too.

    I didn't read the document called 'Benefits of Podcasting in Education', but I definitely like the sound of making up missed work! I must admit I do enjoy the convenience of online assignments.. I am somewhat of a night owl and sometimes work best at midnight. I liked how you described this website so that readers know where to go for information and help with making our first podcast! Thanks for your great review and Good Luck!

  2. Good job Rachel. I'm glad to hear you downloaded the MP3 encoder. We do have to save the podcast files as MP3's. Sounds like you are well on your way to creating your very own podcast. Do not forget to create a script and PRACTICE. Also, how about making the web address you mention at the beginning of your post active? Would be great for other to click and view. Keep up the good work.
