Monday, March 29, 2010

April 4th Assignment

The Voicethread on Mr. C's blog to Kaia was amazing! I had no idea that something like this could exist. How sweet is it that this class sent their own voices as a message to this little girl?! I found this blog post to be extremely adorable and I left a comment telling them that they did a great job with it. Kaia's picture video was adorable. Her sweet little voice explaining what she took pictures of...the pictures that she took by herself! She is already so smart with technology.

The Intrepid Teacher post was by Kaia's father. He explains the day when they went outside of their house to take pictures and to explore nature. He also talks about how he connected with Mr. C's class after he uploaded her video on YouTube. He talks about the concerns that he has as a parent. The possibility that he is pushing her too far out into a cyberspace connection was his biggest fear because he knows of the dangers with the internet. He also loves the fact that his daughter is creating such a connection with technology and that her knowledge is growing. I agree that getting the children involved with the internet like Kaia is, is important in learning. I also agree, and I am not even a parent, that we should be cautious at what we put out into cyberspace because of all of the dangerous people that are using the internet too. Its such a shame.


  1. Rachel I agree with you about Kaia's blog it so amazing and cute how she did everything with the voice thread and pictures. Keep up the great work!!

  2. Great post Rachel! I thought the class' voicethreads were cool as well! I thought this was an incredible encounter between a four year girl and a class.
